Online dive site search for tablet and phone

In Diving Log 5.0 on the desktop you already can perform an online search for dive sites and import new sites into your own logbook. This feature will be available now also in Diving Log on Windows Phone and Diving Log Touch on Windows 8 in the next update. You can either search for a dive site name or search for dive sites nearby, which means in these touch centric apps near the center of the map. When you tap on an online dive site flag and then again on it’s label, you can import this dive site into your logbook.

Diving Log Touch: Open the app bar and click on “Search”. Enter a search term to filter your existing dives, then tap on “Search online”. Click on “Search nearby” in the app bar to search for dive sites at the center of the map:


Diving Log for WP: Tap on the “Search” icon in the app bar. Enter a search term to filter your existing dives, then tap into the map to hide the keyboard. Now tap on the new icon “Search online” in the app bar. Open the app bar menu and tap on “Search nearby” to search for dive sites at the center of the map:

Map2D Map3D

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